Make Your Next Move Easy – Pay Someone Else to Do It


The biggest nightmare that people face when it comes time to move is the actual thought of having to pack and move furniture by yourself. While many people think that they will save money by doing it themselves, this often proves to be a fallacy due to the amount of time and frustration that moving entails. While there are pros and cons that are listed by authoritative sites such as MSN Money, at the end of the day it makes more sense for most people to simply outsource the task of moving to a professional company who handles this activity on a day to day basis.

One of the leading reasons that people give for wanting to perform a move themselves is their desire to save money. What people fail to take into account is what economists call an opportunity cost. While a person who is moving may not have to pay someone else to transport their goods from home A to home B, they are definitely foregoing something else in order to focus their attention on the move. Instead of dealing with the headaches and hassle of packing and moving boxes, a professional moving company allows people to focus on the other issues that come with breaking a lease, cleaning up an apartment for a final inspection prior to moving, or shopping for decorations to make their new home their dream home. Another opportunity cost that many fail to take into account is the amount of time that you may miss from work in order to get your move completed. What may take a professional moving crew a day or two days to do may take you up to a week since you may not have the experience, training or equipment necessary to get the job done quickly.

We talked with Falcon Six Moving about this topic, and they added, “Another reason that you should consider a professional moving company when it comes time for you to relocate is the fact that liability for the safe arrival of your goods shifts from you to the mover if you opt for professionals.” Lifting grand pianos, curios or other expensive pieces of furniture is no easy feat, and the chances are good that you and your friends will do some damage to your furniture by hitting it against the corner of a wall or something else. When you do damage to your own furniture, you simply have to decide whether you are going to live with it in that condition or if you want to pay to fix it. If a mover damages your furniture, they are on the hook to replace that piece of furniture. While you may not have full replacement value for your furniture, at least the moving company will be required to pay you something and save you money out of pocket.

A final reason why it makes sense to choose a professional moving company is the fact that you can relax a little bit more throughout your move. Picking up all of the possessions in your home is no easy process, and it only becomes more difficult as you become more established and begin to collect more possessions. Professional movers are able to quickly assess a home and determine the optimal number of crates, trucks and movers to get the job done in a hurry.

If you opt for a professional moving crew, the only worry that you may have is choosing the right company. Fortunately for people who are looking for movers, the New York Times has compiled a to-do list for choosing the right mover that can help you make the right choice. Doing a little research up front and hiring a professional mover is a decision that few people who are moving regret. The extra free time, lower levels of stress and lower probability that your furniture will be damaged greatly outweigh any savings that you may enjoy if you performed a move by yourself.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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