4 things you should always have in your preparedness kit


In our world today there are many different reasons to be prepared. Anything from unexpected flash flooding to a terrorist attack can give you a reason to need to evacuate. If you were forced to evacuate today, would you be ready? One way to make sure you are always ready is to have a preparedness kit standing by waiting. According to ready.gov, a preparedness kit is simple household items you might need in an emergency. So what might you need in yours?


A person can live more than 21 days without food, but merely 3-5 days without water. This poses a real problem if you don’t have a well of your own. If something were to happen and the electricity was down for an extended amount of time or the water was compromised in your area, having a supply of water to fit the needs of our family would be really important. The recommendation for water is 1 gallon per person per day.


Just because you need more water than food doesn’t mean that  food isn’t important. It is recommended that you have a 3 day supply of non-perishable foods in your pack. According to Galleon Industries, Inc, “Things like Tuna fish and spaghetti-o will give you the required calories and taste, but not much nutrition. An MRE, meals ready to eat, would provide you with the calories and nutrition, but not great on taste. Other great options are trail mixes, either pre-made or store bought. They provide a high-calorie snack that is easily portable.” No matter what you choose, just make sure you have everything you need to prepare that food. That may include a small pot or fire source, but also more mundane things like a can opener and spoon. Also, remember to check your expiration dates! The food is only useful if it is safe to eat.


There is one thing that basically helped change the way humans live, and that is fire. Fire is often thought of as the flame of life, and with good reason. With fire you can fight off predators, cook food, boil water, and stay warm. With that in mind, there are many different ways to start a fire and in your pack you need to have one of those ways. The easiest would be a box of matches, but remember that if those get wet they will not work. Flint and steel is another easy way and is probably the one easiest to carry and easiest to not worry about. Not matter what method you want, make sure you have a backup plan, just in case.

First Aid

Take care of yourself. That is the whole point of having a preparedness kit. First aid supplies are incredibly important in a survival situation, especially one where people, or yourself, might be injured. A small scrape can lead to dire consequences if not properly treated. Make sure your first aid supplies include isopropyl alcohol for cleaning wounds, bandages for covering open wounds, some type of antihistamine in case of an allergic reaction, and something to use as some type of sling or compression bandage in case of a bad sprain or break.

With these four things, you preparedness kit is well on its way to helping you survive. Keeping a well-stocked kit will cut down on the anxiety should an emergency arise at any time during the day or night.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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