7 Reasons Your Signage Design is Critical to Your Branding Plan


Long before the existence of Tweeting, emailing, brand promotion and the gimmicks and methodology the business community has come to accept as part of the way we broadcast messages to distinct audiences, signage was the king of advertising and marketing. Does it still hold so lofty a position? It should, which is why your commitment to excellent design should be a significant part of your branding plan. The following seven principles should help. The rest is up to you.

1. Signs appeal to base instincts. No need to become mired in psychological mumbo-jumbo, but it’s important to acknowledge that signs do more than stop people in their tracks or generate indifference. In fact, plenty of marketers seeking to understand how signage plays a part in branding have come to rely on behaviorists like Abraham Maslow. Instinctual responses are triggered the moment one spots a sign. Verbiage can be confusing, to-the-point, off-message, too long or too short, but the bottom line is that it’s representative of a brand’s image, philosophy, and intention. Get yours right and you’ll have made a nice association between the two.

2. Signs tell stories. It’s no accident that sign designers are quick to recommend specific graphics, fonts and layouts when faced with the challenge of undertaking a design that grabs attention. United Signs believes “Your story starts with a logo that appears on everything you do: media, letterhead, retail establishment—perhaps your logo is embellished across vehicles and equipment. Since your logo is so omnipresent, a sign’s first obligation is to make sure it complements a logo, rather than detracting from or dominating it. Signature colors, typefaces and aesthetics send strong signals: This brand understands itself and has a vibrant, strong identity.”

3. Signs sell. Perhaps this seems obvious to you, but it’s worth a reminder. The right sign serves as a silent sales representative that requires no salary or benefits, but it stands guard over your brand day and night. Will you burrow down so deeply into the psychology of signage that you even worry about the medium? Hard to say. Budget usually determines how big you go, but what sort of message does a dramatic, brightly-lit sign send when compared to a like-size one that’s carved of wood, printed on paper, plastic or it’s LED powered?

4. Signs inform. How important is it that you inform potential customers about your business purpose in just seconds? According to the Small Business Association, effective signage impacts brains and triggers associative memories that compel an audience to pay attention, return, recommend and even modify buying decisions or shopping habits. Signs nicely compliment merchandising efforts and spread immediate news of sales that benefit your brand, attract new customers and allow you to replenish old inventory with new.

5. Signs are efficient. Small retail facilities crammed with merchandise are doubly in need of proper signage if business isn’t to be turned away, casting aspersions on your brand. It’s critical to coordinate the look and feel of multiple signs, warns Retail Merchandiser magazine publisher and editor-in-chief Don Longo, so they don’t compete with each other and send your audience scurrying for the door due to visual fatigue. On the other hand, even a cluttered retail shop can make a brand stronger if signs serve as merchandise organizers. According to George Whalin, California retail consultant, too much or too little copy can be confusing so strive for balance when choosing wording.

6. Signs have personality. Make sure yours is an accurate reflection of the brand if you hope to maximize impact. For example, you might not want to use a flowery font on signage above a store selling men’s athletic gear, nor would a lingerie shop fare well if signs feature silly (Curlz), masculine (Impact) or hard-to-read typefaces. Does size matter? You bet. Is it worth the extra money to create a custom-sized or shaped sign? That depends on your budget and what you’re trying to accomplish. If your brand message is strong, it will do nicely on its own!

7. Signs grab attention. It’s no secret digital signage has become the darling of the advertising industry and there’s no denying research conducted by Clear Channel: even customer mood improves when reading digital signage. The fast load capability of digital signage compliments society’s need for fast data and fast rewards as you strive mightily to promote your brand. Recent Microsoft research proves that goldfish have more staying power than humans when focusing attention these days, even more proof that getting it right when you oversee your signage design can be critical to your brand’s future.



About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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