Why your Restaurant Needs a Quality Hood System


If you’ve ever tried your hand at kick-starting your own bistro (or even just restaurant management), odds are you’ve become familiarized with a kitchen’s need for a competent vent hood system. Many aspiring restaurateurs, expecting their newly purchased oven to be self-sufficient, are surprised to find that their kitchen still requires substantial renovations and preparations to meet commercial safety standards.

Even the most humble of hot dog shacks will require a dedicated hood system if you plan on doing more than microwaving. So what kind should you be looking to invest in? Ventilation systems are no small investment, and you’re going to want to avoid overspending, especially if you’re working with your own personal capital.

Commercial restaurant hood shopping, for the uninitiated, can run you as much as $17,000, and that can completely devastate many restaurant startups that went in with just over five figures available for investment. It’s important to spend carefully and sparingly, while still ensuring you’re making long-term investments that don’t err on the side of flimsy or cheap.

Will a $6,700 restaurant hood system do your kitchen any exceptional favors over a $2,200 hood system, or will it just break your bank? The most important thing to be aware of from the jump is that you’re looking for equipment that will pass city and state restaurant codes (ideally, with flying colors.) Most states outright require a regulation vent hood in order to cook commercially, so you’ll want to make sure your kitchen equipment is both luxurious and legal.

The first place many small food servicers look for equipment can be “warehouse” kitchen catalogues, which often feature very steep flat-rate prices for systems such as hood ventilation and fire prevention. This is an investment you’ll want to put serious research into, otherwise you may be needlessly losing out on thousands that could much better go towards improving your customer’s overall dining experience.

If you want to make a smart investment, you’ll generally want to keep your eye out for specialty manufacturers whose entire business revolves around providing equipment developed and designed in-house. Shopping with a supplier like HoodFilters.com can be advantageous over shopping with a catch-all supply catalogue, and you’ll often find deals that include additional warranties, support, etc. in addition to the more competitive prices.

Investing in equipment is also a decision you’ll want to pad out by learning all things related to your purchase. If you’re buying a hood system, you’ll want to be sure it includes good hood filters, good fans, the size of the canopy, and more. Is it easy to repair? What kinds of light bulbs does it use? These are necessary questions you’re going to want to become acquainted with, and the easiest way to do so is often to make sure you’re buying from a supplier that offers solid customer service and a thorough area of expertise.

A good rule of thumb is that you’ll want to invest in your hood system equipment with the same mindset you would have when investing in a purchase like a car. Are you investing thousands of dollars based on a quick one-over of the cup holders, or are you making an informed investment backed by professional knowledge and careful price comparison? More importantly, do you trust that your seller is someone you want to establish a business relationship with? If your restaurant has long-lasting potential, odds are this won’t be the first or only time you’ll be in the market for commercial kitchen equipment, and it’s always a great idea to shop with companies that you can see yourself falling back on for your future needs.

In conclusion, it’s important to know exactly what you need in order to square away your restaurant. Shop competitively when searching for ALL of your kitchen equipment, and don’t make the mistake of putting all your eggs into one basket.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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