Workplace Safety: Making It Visible With Safety Banners


Imparting the importance of safety procedures in the workplace can be difficult to implement. This is true of both low-risk offices with very few safety policies and high-risk factories that have so many safety procedures that they can be difficult to remember. Ultimately, it is up to management to make sure all employees know what the proper procedures are. A fun way to do this is to install safety banners throughout the building detailing exactly what to do.

Catchy Safety Phrases

Studies have shown that one of the best ways to make sure employees remember specific safety procedures is to post them in an area that employees often walk past or sit close to. For example, the break room wall is a great opportunity for workers with several minutes of break time to review the procedures. This is especially effective when they are kept short and simple. Catchy phrases are the most effective way to get a particular procedure into the heads of all employees. They tend to be memorable, especially when they are catchy enough that employees repeat the phrase to their coworkers. They don’t have to be terribly clever, but it helps if they are funny or if they rhyme. For example, “Fire catches, so don’t play with matches” is a perfect one-liner to remind people of the importance of fire safety. You can visit for even more great examples if you’re stuck in the creative department.

Other Advantages of Safety Banners

Further than the benefit of increased safety observance, there are several additional advantages to hanging visible safety banners. When management takes the time to gently remind employees of their responsibilities, employees tend to have better morale. This results in higher productivity and a happier and healthier work force. When management is happy, everyone is happy. Management stress and nagging trickles down to be felt by their subordinates. By decreasing the occurrence of safety accidents, everyone is more at ease and confident in the work that they do. Employees generally take more pride in their work when they receive positive reinforcement. Safety banners provide that constant reassurance employees crave in their work life.

Safety in Schools

Schools are among the most essential places to remind children of the importance of safety. Posting safety banners above the water fountain or next to the blackboard is a great way to get kids’ attention and drill certain phrases into their minds until they are memorized. Repetition is key to teaching small children; this is even more true for safety procedures. Outdoors, kids often forget the rules of the road and neglect to look before they cross the street. One school under the Lane Cove Council is challenging their children to produce eye-catching artwork to display as safety banners along the crosswalk. This is a fantastic way to both test their knowledge and reinforce safety codes.

Types of Safety Signs

Depending on the type of work your business performs, it may require a specific type of safety sign. While banners with catchy phrases tend to do the job for most low-risk businesses, factories and other facilities that regularly use hazardous materials need more specific safety outlines. According to Wikipedia, hazard symbols are particularly important to use when there are chemicals or gases present. A safety banner in this type of environment would be helpful in reminding employees what each hazard symbol represents. In times of emergency, employees will be better able to recall the various symbols and recognize when something is too dangerous to touch or be inhaled. Examples of this include laboratories, factories using combustible gases, medical facilities, and other buildings in which chemicals and gases are stored.

While it can be difficult to get various safety procedures across, it can be done. Safety banners reinforce procedures, raise morale, increase productivity, and keep our kids safe. These are truly a godsend for any company or school with safety concerns. Increase safety awareness in your building by designing and posting your own safety banners.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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