3 Tricks for Having Your Accounting Done Properly


You already have many expenses you have to deal with when you open a business and maybe even see losses outweigh the profits when you start out. And with all those losses adding up over the short-term, the last thing you need is to spend even more of your cash flow paying off the IRS or local tax authorities. The right accounting can make the difference between paying extra in tax penalties from errors you didn’t know about, or even being able to claim credits or exemptions for expenses. What should you know about accounting that can benefit your business?

Know What Current Laws Out There Will Require Changes To Paperwork And Statements

Even if you’re not a CPA or the person running the accounting for your business, you should be aware of new laws or regulations either at the state or federal level that could change your accounting needs. As INC Magazine states in regards to the tax reform that was passed in 2017, businesses registered as pass through entities saw some changes in the current deduction and way that business income was reported. Every new law that’s passed usually means you’ll have to go through some periods of change as a business owner, and it could also mean you need to get a jumpstart at your paperwork and debt reconciliation. But the bottom line is what happens in Washington will usually trickle down to Main Street at some point.

Enroll In Up-to-date Accounting Courses

If you have a business that deals in some complex purchasing and has a very thick ledger that cannot be taken on overnight, getting an accounting crash course likely won’t solve your issues. But for some business owners who have relatively simple operations, getting courses in accounting can be simple and free, and entities like the SBA offer courses with accurate and up-to-date information that’s easy to follow. Beyond that, they can also point you to the kind of accountant or accounting software if you have a more complex business. But even if you need more information on creating documents either on spreadsheets for your ledger or making sure the data being entered is kept track of accurately, many colleges and independent accounting entities offer free courses or tutorials on how to do it.

Pick The Right Software Solution

With cloud services and SaaS becoming more prevalent than ever, accounting software has evolved and can be both affordable and effective for your business. Now as the Small Business Chron mentions, the software system you choose should be one that can be learned fairly quickly by you and your employees so that you’re not having to spend hours with it when you should be taking care of regular business operations. Going with a cloud system has the potential not only to ensure reliability and accuracy, but you can go with the features you need for your business and don’t have to worry about installing updates. Basically, you should spend enough time shopping and checking reviews on accounting software to make sure you have the exact right service.

The bottom line is accurate accounting is a must not only so the reports are in order during tax season, but also so you can be ready to get financing for your business when you need it. Quality accounting may not ever be free, but you certainly don’t have to pay an arm and a leg to get it. One of the most important things to look for in an accounting service provider is ongoing and widely available support so that you can get the documents you need at a moment’s notice. But most importantly you want the accounting service that will best ensure growth.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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