Can Product Photography Improve Your Business?


Consumers enjoy viewing photographs of products to try to find the finest level of detail imaginable. However, as webmasters and online store owners, it can be an arduous task to photograph, upload and manage these thousands of photos. Although product photos appear to be cumbersome and sometimes pointless, they are some of the most important aspects of an online store. At the moment, they are the quickest and least expensive method of conveying your products to the audience.

Six Methods of Using Product Photography to Improve Your Business

Add Multiple Photos

For other than selling paperclips and brown paper bags online, using a single photo is boring. In order to differentiate your products from the competition, you must upload multiple photos. This will allow the consumer to view the product from every angle and check out the minutest details. This is especially true with expensive online products. If you are unable to provide the information they are seeking, they will likely leave your website for one who can provide this level of detail.

Complement Individual Product Pages

Product pages typically contain the price, features, size, specifications and delivery details. When adding photos to this page, you will catch the attention of the user and allow them to focus on the visual instead of only on the written. Photos greatly help to complement the information product pages and drive home its aesthetics in a relatable manner to the consumer.

Create an Emotional Response

According to the experts at The Image Alive, product photos create a better emotional response for your customer. They told us, “Visuals are much easier to read than giant blocks of text. With high quality images, you can help to inspire your customers to make a purchase. They can also be used to communicate different aspects of the product that can be difficult to describe. If you notice, all of the major online retailers aim to create an emotional response in their customers. This can be accomplished with beautiful photography.”

Improve Professionalism and Credibility

By adding photos, your website will look much more professional and credible. Given that the major online retails all have many different photos of their products from multiple angles, it is important that you follow this trend to also be successful.

Include Detail Shots

Another critical use of product photography is to focus on close-up photographs of the little features of the product. With the focus placed on the smallest details, you can learn more about the product and inspect it closely. A good rule of thumb, the closer a consumer gets to your product, the higher likelihood they are going to convert. By investing the time to add small details, you can have one last push to entice your visitors to make the purchase.

Use Real Photos

Have you ever visited an online store where all of the products look Photoshopped and fake. This allows the owner to tweak the product to their liking. In addition to being dishonest, this ruins their reputation and does not allow the consumer to see exactly what they are purchasing. As consumers become savvier, they are easily able to spot fake products. On the other hand, real photographs of the product in everyday situations will entice consumers as they can use the product in related situations.

Bad Photography Kills Sales

In addition to utilizing the aforementioned methods of product photography, always make sure they are high-quality shots of the product. Bad photographs of a product often reflect on the quality of the product. Customers often want more detail than what is provided in the photograph. Also, bad photography can increase in customer service inquiries due to a misunderstanding of how the product currently looks or is assembled.

Including product photos can have a significant impact on your bottom line if developed correctly. Humans are visual creatures so by showing them photos of the product, they are able to see it in action which may nudge them toward making a purchase.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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