Car Accident Lawyer: The Importance of Legal Representation


From the moment that a driver is in an accident, it often feels as if the following hours, days, and weeks turn into a blur. Not only is it likely that injuries have taken place, these events can quickly turn into a legal battle that no one should attempt to take on alone. This is why more drivers than ever are now searching for local auto accident attorneys who will guide them through these complex affairs and get them the financial assistance that they need to quickly move on with their life.

Immediately After the Accident

Whenever an auto collision takes place, all those that are involved should have safety as their number one priority. If the damaged vehicles can be moved, the drivers should get them off to the side of the road as far away from traffic as possible. Moving any involved vehicles that are still operable after the accident will not have an impact on any legal battles in the future and could help expedite the process by promoting good will between the parties. Hazard lights should also be turned on and warning signs displayed whenever possible to alert oncoming traffic. With upwards of 50 million injuries from auto accidents taking place every year, no one should ever take a chance of being injured after the initial collision has taken place.

Settlements and Insurance Companies

Drivers that pay insurance premiums month after month may hope that financial assistance will be immediate, but this is not always the case. We talked with who said, “Insurance agencies are for-profit companies, and this means that they are looking to cut costs whenever possible, even if their clients are at fault for an accident. It is also common for them to offer an immediate settlement to injured victims, but all drivers should speak with an auto accident attorney before accepting any settlement.” Outwardly, these settlements may seem fair and give drivers the ability to pay for their initial medical bills. Unfortunately, it is the ongoing costs of a collision that will quickly move into the range of tens of thousands of dollars or more in a short period of time.

Contacting an Attorney

Going on for decades, the number one cost of bankruptcy is medical bills, and this is why no one should take any chance of coming under financial hardship following an accident. After seeking out medical attention, the next step is to contact an experienced and local attorney that can take care of all of the legal obligations while the injured party is able to rest and focus on their recovery. The lawyer will begin the process by collecting information on the collision such as pictures of the scene, reports from bystanders, and the contact information of all those involved. They will then contact the insurance providers and discuss options for settlements and payments. If there is a dispute about which parties are guilty or how much the insurance providers are willing to pay out, the attorney can then begin the process of creating a civil trial.

Awarding Damages

As previously stated, there are a slew of expenses that will take place after an accident that involves serious injuries or even a death. The emergency medical bills are only the beginning as victims will often have to take time off work, monthly bills pile up, medication must be purchased, and rehabilitation takes place. In just a short period of time, victims could be looking at costs moving well past $100,000 or more, and this does not include any pain and suffering that they endure. This is why an attorney will be so essential as they work closely by their client to guarantee that adequate damages are awarded. Many times, even having an experienced lawyer by one’s side will speed up the process and insurance agencies may opt for an immediate and fair settlement in order to avoid a prolonged trial.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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