7 Simple Ways to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth


A sweet tooth can lead you down the unhealthy road to teeth problems, weight issues, and a lack of vital nutrients in your diet. Everyone enjoys a sweet treat once in a while, but sometimes the cravings can be tempered with a little forethought. When you find yourself looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth, consider one of these seven ways.

Chewing Gum

Be sure to buy sugar-free otherwise, you’re only feeding that monster of a sweet tooth everything it wants. Sugar-free chewing gum can satisfy cravings and keep your mouth busy so you can’t mindlessly reach for a treat. Keep a package in your pocket or purse so you can chew it anywhere.

Eat Fruit

Fruit has a natural sugar called fructose that can help fend off your sweet tooth. A piece of fruit also has the added benefit of antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber. Most people don’t get enough daily fiber so eating fruit can give you the sweet taste you want, with the fiber you need. Berries, in particular, provide many antioxidants and can be a delicious finger food to enjoy while you watch TV or a movie.


It’s easy to say but can be difficult to do. “However, if you have the self-discipline to have a small treat when the craving hits you, you can prevent a binge later on, especially if you’ve been staying away from sugar for a while,” said Cupcakedropoff.com.


When you do eat sugar, try to balance it out with healthy food. Chocolate-covered strawberries, for example, would be a good choice because you are getting vital nutrients along with a bit of sugar. Additionally, if you indulge in a treat and a healthy food you will feel full faster and eat less sugar overall.


Choose your sugary treats carefully. Instead of eating a waxy, cheap king-size chocolate bar, choose one small but decadent chocolate truffle. Chew slowly and enjoy. You don’t have to stop eating sugar completely but choose wisely.

Regular Meals

Eat meals and snacks at regular intervals so that your body doesn’t become too hungry. You can better control sugar cravings when you don’t let your blood sugar drop too low. Consuming a meal or snack every 3 to 4 hours should be enough to keep your blood sugar steady.


Popcorn is high in fiber, easy to make, and can be the base for a sweet treat. Eat it plain or simply spray it with coconut oil and add a few chocolate chips. You will get fiber to help you feel full while the chocolate can satisfy your sweet tooth.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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