3 Different Types of Cosmetic Lift


Cosmetic plastic surgery is inclusive of nonsurgical and surgical processes that restructure normal body structures so as to improve self-esteem and appearance. Cosmetic plastic surgery is usually a personal decision. It is done for yourself and not to please the desires of others or to meet an ideal image. There are many different types of cosmetic plastic surgeries a person can choose. With regards to this, 3 different types of cosmetic lift have been discussed below.

1. Facelift

This type of surgery is also known as rhytidectomy. This is a process that is used to lessen the presence of facial wrinkles and other signs of aging. The aim of this procedure is to enhance the appearance of the jaw and face. This procedure also helps to repeal the negative impacts of stress, time and exposure to harmful substances. There are different types of facelift surgery and some are as discussed below.
• Traditional full facelift
This type of facelift offers widespread results. This procedure takes care of sagging around the cheeks, deep folds below the eyes, lines in the region of the mouth, jowls, and even unnecessary skin and fat underneath the chin. This procedure is more common in people in their 50s and 60s.
• Mid facelift
This procedure is used to lift and make tissues around the cheeks and below the eyes tight. This process enhances the contours and makes the cheekbones more defined.
• Mini facelift
This procedure is used to remove excess fat deposits and get rid of excess skin.
• Lower facelift
This gets rid of jowls. It also reduces nasolabial folds that are deep, lifts the corners of the mouth that are sagging, and enhances the jaw.

2. Eye lift

Eye lift surgery is clinically referred to as blepharoplasty. Most people go for this kind of surgery because of sagging eyelids. This surgery removes and makes the excess eyelid skin tight thus giving a youthful look. A person may perform cosmetic eye lift so as to make his or her appearance better. A person can also perform a functional blepharoplasty for medical purposes. This type of surgery is done in most cases to get rid of excess skin from the upper eyelid that is loose which can make vision impaired if it sags very low.

3. Brow lift

A brow lift is also referred to as a forehead lift or browplasty. This procedure is used to reverse the impacts of gravity. According to Petrungaro Plastic Surgery, “It also makes soft tissues of the forehead tight and restores a youthful contour to the skin on the forehead, eyebrows and eyelids. It is also used to reduce drooping of the skin on the eyebrows, forehead and upper eyelids.”
A person can consider getting a brow lift if:

• There is excess skin hanging over the eyes
• There are frown lines between the eyebrows
• There are deep horizontal folds across the forehead
• Drooping of the eyebrows brings out a sad, grumpy, and tired look
There are two main types of brow lift.
• Classic lift
This type of lift entails a cut that is continuous. The cut starts at the level of a person’s ears and goes up around his or her hairline.
• Endoscopic lift

For this type of lift, a few short cuts are made in your scalp by the surgeon. A scope is inserted with a small camera on the end of a tube in one of the cuts. The surgeon then uses another device inserted in another cut so as to make the needed alterations.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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