5 Top Sports Injuries Athletes Experience


Sports are an important part of many peoples’ lives, but they carry an inherent risk of injury. A heightened level of preparedness can help players preemptively protect themselves, but no one is fully immune to the potential dangers. Most injuries are relatively rare, but some ways of getting hurt are common across all sports. This guide explores the five most prevalent health problems that athletic games can cause.

Fractures and Breaks

The most common form of damage is usually a broken bone. Statistically, the bottom half of the body receives more injuries than the top. The feet are especially prone to injury. Podiatrists have warned that extensive use of the lower extremities will lead to stress fractures. This is not just true for rigorous and extreme sports; in fact, CBS News reveals that cheerleaders are even at risk for cracked foot bones. Recovering typically involves long-term abstinence from sports, but full mobility is almost always regained; however, severe scenarios may mandate the replacement of a joint. The most recurring candidates for artificial substitutes are hips and knees.

Torn Tendons and Ligaments

Muscles are equally vulnerable to wear and tear. A failure to stretch before exertion can create massive rips in the tendons. Runners have sensitive ligaments that tear easily if not monitored properly. Due to the propensity for nerve damage, this kind of injury is incredibly painful. In rare instances, it can even be fatal. Most of the time, it requires quitting the sport and applying plenty of ice. Surgery is to be expected in these cases, and the separated regions may need to be reattached. Ultimately, tons of rest is necessitated for any chance of returning to form.

Groin Damage

Pain below the belt is an unspoken ailment among avid sports players. This sensitive area can be the subject of a variety of unique hazards. The muscles in this spot are the easiest to hurt, and their recovery takes the longest amount of time. Reproductive organs can also endure physical impacts that are horrific and devastating. A cup is always advised for men, but there is only so much protection it can provide. Players must constantly emphasize proactive care to keep the groin safe from irreversible harm.

Spinal Impacts

Back problems happen with disturbing regularity. The spine is incredibly sensitive, and a lot of different hazards can be inflicted upon it. We talked with Integrated Health Solutions about spinal impacts who said, “Slipped discs are among the top injuries obtained by athletes. They can be permanently debilitating and immobilizing. Healing can last an entire lifetime, and sports will probably have to be abandoned completely. In the worst scenarios, total paralysis can ensue. Mental functions might remain intact, but movement of the limbs will become impossible.”

Concussions and Head Trauma

Head injuries are the most serious category. Cranial impacts have lasting consequences. The chief concern among medical professionals is the frequent rate of concussions. According to Forbes, at least 60% of soccer players have experienced a concussion. Similar rates are reported among American football players. The repercussions of head injuries can remain hidden until they unleash latent symptoms. They can cultivate migraines, amnesia, disorientation and strokes. Psychological disorders develop alongside deterioration. The problems worsen with each subsequent concussion, and the result is often death.


The biggest potential hazard occurs when an injury is left untreated. Countless complications can arise when a hurt remains unattended. These hazardous developments might include infections, paralysis and even cancer. To ensure lasting livelihood and health, all athletes should recognize the importance of medical treatment. Regardless of the injury, a doctor can surely help!


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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