5 Truths about Medical Marijuana


Medical marijuana is one of the drugs that some people are on the fence about using for themselves or when thinking about other people using the drug. There are a few health benefits of medical marijuana as the product doesn’t have as much of the THC that you would find in the drug that you would get from a grower.

1. Diabetics sometimes rely on insulin in order to lower blood sugar levels. According to Green Veteran, “Medical marijuana has been seen to increase the carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which can lower blood sugar levels without depending on insulin on a daily basis.” Some of the fasting levels were 16% lower in diabetics who used medical marijuana than those who didn’t.

2. Those who have suffered from a stroke or brain injury might find that the neurological damage is reduced. Some NFL leaders have discussed allowing players to use the drug after suffering from a concussion as it can limit the risk of permanent damage. This is a benefit as the people who have had strokes and other injuries wouldn’t have to be worried about not being able to walk, talk or move.

3. Medical marijuana has a calming quality when taken on a regular basis. It has been linked to decreasing the effects of epilepsy and Tourette’s. The FDA has approved using the drug in children who have these conditions. Charlotte’s Web is a strain that is seen in Colorado that has been specifically made for children who have epilepsy. Some with Parkinson’s, a condition, similar to epilepsy, have seen results as well.

4. Instead of using prescriptions, people who experience depression and anxiety can see a difference in their thoughts and functions after using medical marijuana. In low doses, the drug acts as a sedative. This would mean that someone who has bouts of anxiety and depression on a regular basis wouldn’t need to take several pills a day in order to deal with the effects on the body. There would only need to be a minimal amount of the marijuana consumed to see the same effects.

5. There are receptors in the nerves and muscles that the THC present in medical marijuana will bind to, decreasing the amount of pain felt. This is a benefit for those who have multiple sclerosis. It can help these patients walk and function as they aren’t in pain that they would be in from not using the drug.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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