6 Tips For Recovering From A Sports Injury Faster

Sports injuries are extremely common. They are typically caused by overuse, direct impact or force that exceeds the amount that the body can withstand. The type of treatment that one needs depends on the type of injury that they have. Head injuries, broken bones, facial injuries, neck injuries, and spine injuries are serious and require urgent medical attention. However, minor sports injuries can typically be managed with home care treatments. There are many things that you can do to ensure that you recover from a sports injury faster.

Use the P.R.I.C.E. Method

P.R.I.C.E is an acronym that stands for protect, rest, ice, compress and elevate. Your first step is to protect the injured part of your body. You can protect the area by applying an elastic bandage to the area. You can also use a splint. Resting is one of the keys to recovering from an injury. You have to take a break from exercise in order to allow the injured part of your body to heal. Ice is one of the cheapest home remedies available. It reduces pain and inflammation. You should try to apply an ice pack to the area within 10 to 15 minutes of suffering an injury. You should apply the ice for 20 minutes at a time every few hours. Do this for the first 48 to 72 hours after your injury. Compression also reduces pain and swelling. You can use an elastic bandage to the compress the area. However, you will need to make sure that the bandage is not too tight. Elevation allows you to use gravity to drain the fluid in the injured part of your body. This reduces inflammation and swelling. You can use a pillow to elevate your body.

Avoid Alcohol

If you consume alcohol, then you will need to stop drinking it until you have recovered from your injury. Alcohol has a tendency to slow down the healing process. It can increase swelling and bleeding.

Take Medication

Even though the P.R.I.C.E. method is one of the most effective ways to control most injuries, you may still need to take medication. The medication can help you reduce the swelling and pain. You can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil and Aleve. It is important to note that these medications can increase the risk of bleeding. They are not designed to be used for long periods of time. You should also make sure that you take the medication as directed.

Get the Right Nutrients

You will be able to recover more quickly if you feed your body the right nutrients. Certain foods can reduce inflammation, which will help you cut your recovery time. Chicken and fish are great for you to eat because they are high in protein. This nutrient helps your body build and repair muscles. Beans and eggs are great plant-based sources of protein. Dark, leafy greens are something else that you will need to add to your diet. They are high in vitamin C, which supports your immune system. The greens also have vitamin K, which helps your blood clot.


You will need to focus on rehabilitation after the pain and swelling have gone down. You will likely need two days of rehabilitation for every day that you did not exercise. For example, you had to sit out for two weeks because of an injury. You will need at least one month of rehabilitation. You will need to start off by doing gentle exercises a few minutes per day. You can then increase your time and intensity. You have to gradually ease back into playing a sport.

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