Dental Emergency? Have A Plan Before It Happens


The Huffington Post relates that a fear of dentists can actually put you in a fight or flight mode. However, when you are dealing with an emergency, the dentist is going to be your best friend, and there are many ways that they can help. Whether you are dealing with tooth pain, a crown that has fallen out or a tooth that has been knocked out, make sure that you have a plan to follow.

Know Who to Call

The worst thing to do in an emergency is to panic, and one thing that can easily cause panic is not understanding who you should be calling. Make sure that you plan for an emergency, even if you have no intentions of having one! Find an emergency dentist that you trust and take a moment to program their number into your phone. It is a small thing, but it is something that can make a huge difference to your peace of mind during an emergency.

Ask for a Recommendation

Even if you have a dentist who looks after your teeth, you will largely find that they do not have emergency hours. However, even if they do not have emergency hours for you to take advantage of, they often have colleagues that they will recommend. The best part is that if your dentist and your emergency dentist know one another, they can take better care of you! Talk with your primary dentist and ask for a recommendation.

Stay Calm

There is always something a little alarming about a dental emergency, but at the end of the day, things will be much better all around if you are willing to keep calm and to act correctly. If you cannot drive yourself due to anxiety, panic, phobia or pain, get someone to take you to the emergency dentist or take a cab. If you are in pain, consider taking an over the counter pain medication. In case surgery is necessary, always take the smallest amount that you can, and avoid aspirin as it is considered to be a blood thinner.

Save All the Pieces

When it comes to taking care of your dental health in an emergency, Hinsdale Dental explained that the general rule of thumb states that if anything comes out of your mouth, you should save it. “Broken pieces of teeth, whole teeth and crowns that have fallen out should all be saved on the off chance that they can be repaired.”

Holding On To a Missing Tooth

According to CNN, it is not necessary to dunk a tooth in milk after it has been knocked out. Instead, one of the best things that you can do is to stick it where it should be! Ideally, you will be able to find your tooth and then to slide it, root first, into the place where it is missing from. Close your mouth gently over the tooth, holding it place, and from there, make your way to the dentist’s office. If you cannot get the tooth situatuated correctly, you will find that the next best thing for you to do is to hold it between your cheek and your teeth. This improves the chance of it being able to be implanted in your jaw again.

Move Quickly

If a tooth has been knocked out of your jaw or if you lose a crown, remember that your best chance for a speedy, painless and effective resolution is to act quickly. As soon as you notice the damage, make your way to an emergency dentist. This is something that can make a huge difference to the chance for success later on.

Whether you are involved in a high-impact sport or you just like to be prepared for the worst, take a moment to think about your emergency dentist situation. This is something that can make a huge difference to how an unfortunate situations goes.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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