First 5 things to do after an Automobile Accident


Automobile accidents are an unfortunate part of life. If you are involved in an accident, there are five things you should do immediately following the incident.

Remaining at the scene of the accident is critical, and you should never leave the scene of the accident until it’s acceptable to do so. Leaving the scene can lead to serious repercussions, especially if anyone is injured or killed. According to Briles Law Group, “If you are involved in an accident that damages property, there are criminal penalties you could be exposed to for being involved in a hit-and-run.” If possible, move all involved vehicles off to the side of the road, so that other drivers can get by safely.

Once your vehicle is off to the side, if possible, and you can get out safely, check on everyone involved. This includes every person in your vehicle, as well as everyone in any other involved vehicle or any pedestrians that may have been affected. If there are any serious or life-threatening injuries, then emergency services should be contacted immediately for assistance.

The police should always be contacted, even if it does not seem like the accident warrants a police presence. Every state has different requirements about accident reporting and police involvement in the process, so contacting local law enforcement can save you a headache down the road. Additionally, a police report may be needed for any insurance claim you file with your insurance company. Make sure to cooperate with law enforcement, but do not admit fault, accept blame or try to place blame on anyone else.

Gathering information from all parties involved will help down the road, especially when you have to file the insurance claim. Make sure that you get the contact information (e.g. name, number, driver’s license and insurance information) for anyone involved, which could be drivers, passengers or pedestrians. Any witness should also have their contact information taken down, just in case the police or the insurance company need further details. Additionally, take down important details about the vehicles, such as the damages, license plate information and the type of vehicle.

Finally, contact your insurance provider to let them know of the situation. It’s important to report your accident to your insurance provider as soon as possible, which helps to reduce the chance of your claim being denied. You can contact them at the scene of the accident, and they may be able to provide some guidance on what steps to take while you’re at the scene, as well as immediately after. Additionally, depending on the extent of the damages, they may be able to help arrange for tow services or a rental vehicle to help until your car is repaired or replaced.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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