10 Carpet-Cleaning Secrets from the Pros


Carpet is the preferred flooring of a lot of people because of their softness, warmth and elegance but it is feared because they think that it involved a lot of hard work and maintenance.

Here are a few carpet tips and tricks from the pros to help keep the carpets remain as nice and gorgeous as the day they were installed!

1. Shaving Cream
Ordinary shaving cream will remove most types of carpet stains. America’s Best Carpet & Tile suggests to, “Apply directly to the stain and let sit for about 30 minutes. Blot away with dry white cloth. Finish with a spray of vinegar solution and dabbing with a cloth.”

2. Lemon Juice and Table Salt
Apply some lemon juice and sprinkle table salt on the rust stain and leave it for half an hour or more. Blot using a clean damp cloth.

3. Ice Cubes
Get the nasty chewing gum that got stuck onto your carpet! Freeze the gum with ice cubes. Use a spoon to lift up the frozen solid gum. Carefully cut the strands of carpet which are still stuck to the gum.

4. Dishwasher Detergent
The best way to remove grease stains in a carpet is to use a drop or two of a strong grease-cutting detergent like Dawn in a cup of water. It will cut through the grease when you spray it in the carpet. Blot it up. Spray and blot multiple times until the grease is gone.

5. White Vinegar
Mix a solution of one part white vinegar and one part water. Spray on the stained area and leave for about 15 minutes. Press a clean sponge on the area repeatedly to suck up the solution and the stain. End by rinsing the area with warm water. Brush the carpet strands with the hand into their natural direction. Let the carpet dry for about a day.

6. Flat iron
To remove candle wax that was embedded in the carpet, put a clean white cloth between the carpet and a warm iron. Heat up the wax by putting the iron on the spot where the wax is for a few seconds. Using a butter knife, carefully scrape off the wax. Finish it off by replacing the cloth with a paper towel. Put the warm iron on the paper. The remaining wax that is melting will bind to the paper. Do several repetitions.

7. Baking Soda
To get rid of putrid carpet smells, spread grated potato on the carpet. After a few hours, suck the potato with a vacuum cleaner.

8. Hydrogen Peroxide
Make a solution of water and mild detergent. Spray on the area to loosen up the dried blood. Scrape off the blood from the fibers. Apply hydrogen peroxide to the remaining stain. As the peroxide foams on contact with blood, dab with a towel to dry the carpet.

9. Milk and Cornstarch
Mix milk and cornstarch to make a paste. Rub the paste on the ink stain and leave it overnight. The next day, use a scrub brush to remove the ink stain.

10. Alcohol
Glue on the carpet can be removed using a soft cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol. Dab the cloth on the glue to wet it, then wipe it off. Repeat the steps several times until the glue is gone.

Vacuum clean the carpet weekly and have it professionally cleaned every 12 to 18 months. Carpets seem to be too delicate and expensive to maintain, but they add a great deal of beauty and elegance to your décor and add value to your home.




About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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