3 Important Things to Know About Home Water Damage


It’s hard to believe that water, which is essential to human survival, can also be extremely destructive. If you’ve ever experience home water damage, you already know just how destructive water can be.

If you’ve been fortunate enough to avoid home water damage, don’t rest on your laurels. All it takes is one flood, and you could end up in a world of trouble.

The more information you have on this issue, the more prepared you’ll be if it happens. Here are three important things that you need to know about home water damage.

1. Once You’ve Suffered Water Damage, Time Is Against You

The minute you discover that your house has suffered water damage, you need to act quickly. The water itself can have a devastating effect on the structural integrity of the house as well as your furniture and carpet, but you’ll also be in danger of mold growth.

Mold spores are practically omnipresent. Anyone who has ever left a sandwich in the back of the fridge and forgotten about it can attest to this.

Mold spores only need nutrients and a mold-friendly environment to thrive. Your wet carpet or drywall is the perfect breeding ground.

Once your house suffers water damage, you have anywhere from 24 to 48 hours to prevent mold growth. Otherwise, the mold will begin to set in and spread quickly. If the mold becomes too much for you to handle on your own, you may need to hire a professional mold removal service to help you out.

If you’re dealing with a large amount of water, you’ll still need to hire a service. A water damage restoration and removal service will bring special equipment that can get rid of the water and dry out your house as soon as possible.

2. You Need to Know the Pollution Level of the Water

There are three different categories of water damage. They’re based on the level of pollution in the water.

  • Category 1 (Clean water)
  • Category 2 (Gray water)
  • Category 3 (Black water)

Category 1

Category 1 water is as clean as the water that comes directly out of your faucet. If you’re exposed to it, you won’t become sick.

Category 2

Category 2 water might have been contaminated by bacteria. If you’re exposed to it, there’s a chance you could become ill.

Category 3

Category 3 water is highly contaminated. Sewage water, storm water or overflowing toilet water all fall under this category. If you come into contact with it, you could become very ill, or you could die.

Water may start out as Category 1, but don’t assume that it will remain Category 1. If the water comes into contact with a contamination source, such as a stained carpet or soil, it can become Category 2 or Category 3. Also, if you have standing water that’s left untreated, bacteria will breed within it and increase the contamination level.

If your water is highly contaminated, your water damage service team will need to use powerful tools to clean your house and furniture. If you have furniture with soft upholstery, it may not survive the cleaning process, and it will have to be thrown out. This is another reason why it’s important to act as quickly as possible once you’ve suffered water damage.

3. You Should Contact Your Insurance Company As Soon As Possible

“Call your insurance company immediately,” said The CleanUP Guys. They can get started on the claims process, and they can also walk you through the steps you need to take to prevent further damage to your home and belongings. They may even be able to recommend a water damage restoration service.

House water damage is a serious concern. It can destroy your house and belongings, and it can also put your family’s health at risk. If you act quickly after it occurs, you’ll be able to minimize the damage and keep your family safe.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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