4 Great Ways to decorate your Yard with Succulents


There are so many things to love about succulents in the garden. They come in many different shapes and colors so they add interest to gardens and patios and can survive in dry, hot conditions because they store water in their fat leaves. This makes them a great low maintenance choice for desert and xeriscape gardening. They also do great in rock and container gardens. Some succulents, such as the Aloe plant, have cosmetic and health benefits, and aloe is used to sooth burns and skin irritations. Another benefit of growing succulents is that you can start your own new plants from cuttings.

Here are some ideas to get you started growing your own succulent garden.

1- Grow Succulents in Containers

“Because succulents need so little room to grow, they make the perfect plant for containers,” said San Pedro Cactus. You can design a whole garden of containers or just add a few of your favorites to your yard or patio. Keep in mind that they will need some sun, proper watering for your area and a little fertilizer. This clever ceramic artist turned to succulents when drought in California forced gardeners to cut back on water use.

2- Succulents in Rock Gardens

A rock garden is perfect for elevated areas in the garden. Succulents need well-drained soil, and it’s best to put them in an area where the water will drain away. If you live in a place where you can gather your own rocks, you can start a collection. You can grow your succulents in a flat area or on mounds, and if you don’t have natural mounds you can create them yourself. It’s best to create mounds that are about 8 feet in diameter and 4 feet high. Make a rough border with your rocks around the area you want to fill. Plant your succulents and then add more rocks to complete the garden.

3- Xeriscape Gardens using Succulents

Xeriscape gardening requires little to no water which is perfect for succulents. Succulents are perennial and will add color to your garden all year long. You can combine them with cactus and other plants native to your area for a low maintenance landscape.

4- Turn Succulents into Living Art

You can make a living succulent garden into art for your patio or garden wall. Start with a preassembled frame or make one yourself if you’re handy that way. Add soil and succulent cuttings or “pups” and water. Lay the frame flat for the first 7 – 10 days while the cuttings take root. When they have, you can hang them on a wall in your home or garden. Remember to put them where they will get enough light and give them fertilizer as needed.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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