A Chain Link Fence For Building: Securing Your Business


Theft and vandalism can cost a business a considerable amount of money. These events can result in the loss of inventory, damage to equipment and damage to the property itself. It can interfere with the course of business and with the ability of your company to generate income. While there are steps you can take after a theft to restore operations fully, you can also be proactive in preventing these events from occurring. While there are numerous steps available for you to consider, one of the most cost-effective solutions may be to install a chain link fence around your property to secure your business. This is an affordable option that may have a dramatic improvement on the security of the property, and most chain link fences can be installed very quickly.

The Cost of Theft to Businesses

If you are wondering if the installation of a chain link fence around your property would be a worthwhile investment to make, you may consider the amount of inventory, equipment or cash that may be taken from your property by a thief. In one case, a thief stole more than $1 million dollars worth of liquor within just a few minutes of time. In another case, a thief stole approximately $9,000 in cash in 90 seconds. In these and other crimes, the thieves had a detrimental impact on the business within a short period of time. In some cases, crimes such as these may be thwarted or deterred when a chain link fence is installed on the property.

How a Chain Link Fence May Deter Crime

There are smaller and larger chain link fences that may be installed around the perimeter of the property. Some may have special feature on the top of the fence that may make it difficult or impossible for individuals to scale the fence. Even smaller fences may be effective at preventing vehicles from driving onto the property. The type of chain link fence installed on the property may be selected based on the most likely types of crimes that may impact the property. Some may have a gate feature that can be locked during non-business hours. The can make a property appear to be more intimidating, and they may increase the amount of time needed for thieves to break in and gather the goods.

Selecting the Right Chain Link Fence for Your Property

According to Yard Dog Fence, when you make the decision to install a chain link fence on the property, you should consider that there are different grades of material that can be used. They said, “Some are heavy-duty and thick by design, and they are designed to hold up to a considerable amount of weight or pressure from an impact. Some are smaller in height, and they may be ideal for preventing thieves from driving onto a property, but they could be scaled by an individual.” Consider if a thief would most likely need to carry away goods or equipment in a vehicle or if the thief would be taking a bag of cash away from your venue. If you store a large amount of cash or smaller objects, such as jewelry, individuals on foot may be able to scale a smaller fence with the goods. Therefore, a taller fence may be more beneficial. Keep in mind that a chain link fence can be installed and used in conjunction with other types of security features, such as reinforced locks on doors and windows and a security system.

Whether you are concerned about the loss of thousands of dollars in cash or millions of dollars of inventory or equipment through theft, the installation of a chain link fence is a cost-effective way to deter crime. While a chain link fence may not be foolproof, it makes the property more difficult to penetrate. In addition, it can give the impression to thieves that the property has additional security features in place, and this may make the property even more intimidating as a target for thieves.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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