House Cleaning Can Be Difficult: Why Not Hire A Maid?


Drivers pull up next to them at stop lights, park next to them at the convenient store and whiz past them on the highway. Commercial maid services have fleets of cars, most of them with logos in colors that catch the eye. Homeowners see them in the driveways of their neighbors, and wonder what kind of mess they have that needs a professional maid service. The CEO of a local bank two doors down requiring maid service is understandable; his wife is overseas on a big convention. Then homeowners look around as they walk through the door and wonder if they could use a maid service, too.

The plain truth is that maid services have become a necessity. There are more two-paycheck households now than ever before. It is not uncommon to see the teenagers in a family give part of their paychecks to Mom and Dad on Friday to help with expenses, especially when they drive family cars to work and back. Folks with home-based businesses and other work at home parents are so busy with networking and marketing that they don’t have time to clean. Additionally, more families have seen the wisdom of family movie night, family dinners, family vacations, helping with homework, attending sports and entertainment in which their kids participate and family “your choice” nights. No one has time to clean.

Add to this the fact that hiring a maid service is a status symbol. In an economy which has seen former CEOs and former vice-presidents of Fortune 500 companies now running their own businesses, in middle management or otherwise rubbing elbows with ordinary people, everyone is more or less on the same pay scale. According to The Prestige Maids, “it is not uncommon to see those who have never been CEOs hiring maid services, if not on a regular schedule then at least once or twice a month. These services have become more affordable, with many adjusting their charges to what people can afford.”

Perhaps the most impressive factor in hiring a maid service is the focus on helping people. Advertising, marketing and services are more oriented toward helping people, and they will do whatever it takes to do just that. Got a new baby and can’t cope? There’s a cleaning service for that. Work two jobs and can’t get supper for the kids? Some maid services even do groceries, trash and dinner. Do you have to go out of town with the kids, and worry about the house being blatantly vacant? Many cleaning services will even come in a few days a week to adjust the blinds, turn on or off lights, take out the trash and pick up the mail for you. It’s all about helping people, no matter what, when, where or how.

Then there are those who are becoming middle aged or elderly and can no longer bend, stoop and reach to clean the house. It is perhaps these that cleaning services most enjoy helping. Many people see those days coming, and they reach out to those in need in understanding and sympathy. You see it all the time in churches and civic groups, sometimes even in neighbors who know of someone needing help. Cleaning house can be difficult, and maid services understand and go the extra mile for those who need help.

People might wonder if all of this is for a little vacuuming, dusting and swiping of the mirrors and counter tops? As related above, not everyone can do this. If folks work two jobs or one job that is quite busy, they haven’t the energy to get out of bed in the morning, make the bed or wash the linens. Scrubbing the bathtub and the kitchen floor can be difficult. Let maid services clean with products specially formulated to kill mold, mildew and asthma and allergy inducing critters. They can save you all kinds of money and effort.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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