How Roof Repair Can Save Your Money


When you think about roof repairs, you probably do not think about how much money paying for repairs can save you. The truth is that your roof is one of the most important parts of your house and it is responsible for protecting your family and your home from a lot of hazards that you never see. If you allow your roof to fall apart, then the consequences can be dangerous and expensive.

A Good Roof Keeps Heating Bills Down

If you live in a part of the country where it snows for part of the year, then your roof is more important that you probably realize. In order for a home to be as energy efficient as possible, the roof needs to be able to circulate out cold air and assist the insulation in retaining the warm air from the furnace. A roof with holes in it and with a proper venting system for cold air will cause your heating bills to skyrocket.

Your Roof Reduces Electrical Repairs

We have all heard, or even seen, squirrels and other critters running around in our roofs. To many of us, the pattering of little feet is dismissed as normal activity. A well-maintained roof plays a huge role in keeping critters out of your attic and that can save you money in two ways.

Squirrels and other pests in your attic chew on your electrical wires and, eventually, those wires will need to be repaired. A properly maintained roof keeps the rodents out and prevents the electrician bills.

According to popular roofing company Heritage Roofing and Waterproofing, Inc., “in some cases, you are not given any warning about the condition of your attic power lines. Exposed power lines can be a fire hazard and the resulting costs from a fire that are not covered by insurance can be devastating.”

Water Damage And Mold

One of the big challenges for homeowners is that not every leaky roof creates issues that the homeowners can see. An improperly maintained roof could leak for years in spots that the homeowner either never sees, or doesn’t see until it is too late.

A primary concern for a leaky roof is water damage to your ceilings, wooden frame, and drywall. Rotted wood in your home becomes weakened and can affect the structural integrity of your home. It can cost thousands of dollars to have your home’s wooden frame repaired and much of that damage may not be covered by insurance.

Mold grows anywhere it is dark and wet. If you do not see the places where the roof is leaking, then that could mean that mold is growing. Testing for mold is not a large expense, but removing mold can be expensive. Many insurance companies will not cover mold removal. Mold is dangerous to your home and your health. If mold is not caught in time, then it could consume your entire home and make your home uninhabitable.

Preserving Your Roof

The best approach is to have a certified professional roofing company inspect your entire roof once a year. The inspector will let you know if he finds any problems and will recommend a course of action. A roofing inspection can save you money by finding problems when they are manageable and avoiding expensive repairs. An inspector can also give you good advice on how to look after your own roof throughout the year.

A good roof over your head is something that you want for you and your family. But if you do not take the time to maintain your roof properly, then you could be losing a great deal of money. Call in a professional whenever you have a roofing issue and have your roof inspected once a year to help save money on repairs and long-term maintenance.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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