Irrigation Systems: Efficient Water Source For Your Yard


Like all living organisms, the plants in a yard need water to survive. Watering a lawn may seem an incredibly simple task, but it can be trickier than it appears. For instance, relying on rain water alone to provide for a lawn’s water needs is not enough. Depending on the types of plants and the location, the amount of water used may have to be regulated and constant. An irrigation system that has been properly installed can provide the consistent water supply needed for optimal lawn health.

About Lawn Irrigation

While different plants and types of grass have various needs with regard to irrigation, it is generally recommended that grass be given about 3/4 of an inch of water at each watering. It should be noted that some varieties of grass can survive with less water.

There are a number of different ways to water a lawn, ranging from the use of rainwater alone to various types of irrigation systems. Irrigation systems are the most reliable way to ensure a lush and consistently healthy lawn.

Types of Yard Irrigation Systems

Drip Irrigation

This type of irrigation is designed to deliver water to the roots of plants in a slow and steady manner via tubes or hoses. It has been shown that this method can reduce the amount of water used to by as much as 50 percent.

Spray/Sprinkle Irrigation

These come in numerous styles and may be used to water a range of different landscapes including lawns and gardens. Automated systems consist of a controller and underground valves that control the release of water. These systems allow a lot of water to be applied to a yard in a short space of time. They may include additional elements such as sensors for moisture and devices to shut the system off when it rains.

Rotor Irrigation

Rotor irrigation systems are similar to spray systems except that instead of spraying in one set pattern, they rotate to deliver water in fixed arcs. They are believed to be better at delivering water in an even manner when compared to spray heads.

Benefits of Lawn Irrigation Systems


Lugging around a hose to manually water plants makes gardening more difficult and time-consuming than necessary. Furthermore, it is recommended that lawns be watered either in the early morning or in the late evening which may make good watering practices inconvenient. An irrigation system can enable homeowners to keep their lawn and garden watered without having to take time out of their.


Improper watering can increase a homeowner’s water bill unnecessarily. An irrigation system can ensure that each area of a yard gets exactly as much water as it needs and no more, thus avoiding waste.

Prevention of Disease and Weeds

Some forms of irrigation can ensure that only the plants that the homeowner wants to water are watered. This not only ensures maximum efficiency in the use of water, it can prevent the germination of weed seeds and the start of diseases.

Preserves Soil Nutrients

According to Wheat’s Landscape, watering with a garden hose can result in overwatering, which may cause many of the soil’s nutrients to be washed away; this leaves the plants with less to keep them healthy. An irrigation system will use less water and is thus less likely to cause soil nutrients to leach out.

Improves Home Value

A lawn irrigation system does this by ensuring that the home has an appealing lawn, which is one of the first things that a prospective buyer will see. A nice-looking lawn can create a good first impression and make buyers think of the home favorably. An irrigation system may also be sold as a feature which will make lawn care less of a chore for the new homeowners.

It is important to note that a variety of factors will have to be considered for best results when installing an irrigation system. These range from the available water pressure to the exact areas that are to be covered by the sprinkler system. The homeowner has the option of taking care of these details on their own or hiring a professional to install the system. In either case an irrigation system can be a wise investment in the health of a lawn and garden; as such, it can improve both the value of the property and the homeowner’s enjoyment of it.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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