Plumbing Code: Do You Know or Should You Call a Professional?


According to MAC Plumbing, “Maintaining your home’s plumbing is an ongoing project that you can often carry out on your own, but many homeowners do not know when it is finally time to call a local plumber for help. Here is a look at some of the most common situations that you may experience with your home’s plumbing and why making the repairs yourself may not be the best idea.”

Multiple Clogged Sinks

There are a number of major sewage lines on your property that connect all sinks, toilets, showers, and baths. When these larger lines become clogged it will often result in multiple slow drains throughout the house. Cleaning out major sewage lines should always be carried out by a licensed and insurance professional that understands all local plumbing codes. This problem is so common that many mortgage companies require coverage for water damage caused by sewer lines as part of the home insurance policy.

A Single Clogged Sink

A single clogged toilet or sink is one problem that almost every homeowner will experience and generally does not require professional assistance. As long as no alterations must be made to the actual pipes in order to remove the clog, most families will be fine using over-the-counter drain cleaners, snakes, or plungers. If the clog happens repeatedly, then it may be time to call in a professional plumber to see what underlying issues are taking place.

Poor Water Pressure

Poor water pressure is a sign that there is a serious problem taking place somewhere on your property. This is often caused by a small crack that can waste thousands of gallons of water every single year and cause an overwhelming amount of damage. A plumber will have the tools and skills necessary to locate the problem as quickly as possible and make repairs as needed. In some situations, the issue may be nothing more than sediment in the water heater or a clogged filter that must be replaced.

Unexplained Changes to Your Home’s Water Consumption

Every homeowner should make a habit of tracking their family’s water use throughout the year. There will always be some minor fluctuations, but a dramatic change to the total amount of water coming into your home should be investigated immediately. This may be a sign of any number of problems such as a leaky faucet, an inefficient shower head, a toilet that won’t shut off, or a major leak in a pipe leading into the house. Whatever the cause may be, when these issues are not fixed it will lead to higher utility bills and an increased risk of serious water damage.

Unusual Smells

Unusual smells can take place because debris is trapped a short way down the pipes, but it can also be the result of major cracks or other forms of damage to the sewage line leading out of a home. The two most important variables include where the smells are located and exactly what you are smelling. Unusual odors in a kitchen sink can generally be removed with some over-the-counter cleaners. If the you can smell sewage around the foundation of your home or within your basement, then you may need emergency plumbing services. Plumbers have a variety of tools at their disposal to inspect these lines without digging up your family’s lawn. Even if the problem is minor, these types of services could prevent future damage such as foundation cracks.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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