Roofing Contractors Help You Decide on Repair or Replace


Numerous factors impact the ability of a roof to perform properly. As a result, a roof inspection should be undertaken every spring and fall, according to the Better Business Bureau. If any problems appear to exist in regard to a roof, a qualified, experienced roofing contractor should be engaged. A reputable roofing inspector can assist you in determining whether or not a roof can be repaired or whether it must be replaced.

Common Problems Indicating the Need for Professional Intervention

There exist some common problems that can necessitate a roofing contractor assisting in determining whether a repair or replacement of a roof is the appropriate course of action. These include blistering, curling or buckling shingles. A more serious potential problem is indicated by sagging or drooping in the overall structure of the roof itself.

Other signs that might give rise to the need for an evaluation by an experienced roofing contractor includes the accumulation of excessive amounts of shingle granules in the gutters. Other loose material around pipes, chimneys and other items that penetrate the roof itself are signs that something may need to be done in the way or repairing or replacing a roof.

Oftentimes, a roofing contractor is called in to aid in determining whether a roof repair or replacement is the proper course is in the aftermath of a storm of some type. This is in addition to the points during the year when an inspection is undertaken by the homeowner.

Roof Aging and a Proactive Response

According to, the average lifespan of a roof is about 20 years at the outside limit. They said, “When a roof starts getting close to that age, a homeowner may want to consider engaging the services of a roofing contractor to undertake a inspection of it. Such an inspection is a reasonable course even if there are no obvious signs that a roof is in need of repair or replacement.”

Taking proactive action of this nature can end up saving a homeowner money in the final analysis. A professional roofing contractor can advise a homeowner if a roof really has reached the juncture, the age, when a proactive replacement makes sense.

Detailed Written Proposal

The National Roofing Contractors Association, or NRCA, advises that before making decision to repair or replace a roof, a consumer needs to obtain a written proposal from a roofing contractor. Indeed, if a homeowner really wants to weight and balance alternatives, he or she could seek a written proposal for both repairs and replacement. Typically, an experienced roofing contractor will be willing to prepare both types of written proposals.

Review Warranty Information if a Replacement is Proposed

A crucial piece of information a roofing contractor can provide when a person is debating whether to repair or replace a roof is that pertaining to a warranty on a new roof. In some cases, a solid warranty may be the deciding factor in electing to undertake the larger expense of replacing a roof as opposed to repairing problems.

Selecting a Skilled Roofing Contractor

Because a roofing contractor is the person who will provide you with the professional information needed to determine whether a roof should be repaired or replace, an individual must take care in selecting this type of contractor. For example, a person will want to confirm that a contractor has the proper credentials to provide necessary roofing related services.

As part of the process of screening potential roofing contractors, a homeowner needs to obtain references. A homeowner needs to actually make contact with references and obtain their opinions on the quality of work provided by a particular roofing contractor. Although prior performance is no guarantee of how a contractor will undertake services in the future, it is a good indicator.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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