Security Lighting: Why Your Home Needs It


In 2012, the last full year statics are available, there were 2,103,787 reported burglaries in the United States, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The number burglaries reported to law enforcement underscores the necessity of a homeowner to maintain appropriate home security. In this regard, security lighting can serve as the foundation of any residential security plan.

Effective Deterrent

The FBI makes it clear that its research and statistics support the contention that home security lighting represents one of the most important deterrents to residential crime, including burglary. The reality is that criminals do not want to risk capture by attempting to enter a well-lighted residence.

Affordable Deterrent

Another key positive element associated with home security lighting is that it is a cost-effective, affordable method for beefing up residential defenses. Indeed, many homes come complete when constructed with the outlets necessary to place appropriate home security lighting. Even if some retrofitting is necessary, that typically is accomplished without the expenditure of much money.

Integrated Security

Another of the reasons a home needs security lighting is that it is a type of protection that is readily integrated with other resources. For example, many people are adding security cameras to their overall home security regimen. These cameras work best when appropriate lighting is available. Hence, the addition of security cameras actually underscores the necessity of home security lighting.

Home security lighting can also be integrated into a professionally monitored alarm system. In short, and in the final analysis, home security lighting actual provides the foundation upon which all other types of home protection systems are built and operated.

Security Timers

One way to enhance the effectiveness of security lighting — particular when residents of a property are not at home — is installing timers, according to The New York Times. According to The New York Times, these timers can be added to interior and exterior lighting systems for what amounts to a very small amount of money.

Through the use of timers on security lighting, even when residents are not at home, the appearance that they are in residence exists. With the ability to alternate the time at which lights go on and off from one day to the next, a criminal staking out a residence will truly be unsure whether or not people are in the property at any given point in time.

Regular Inspection and Maintenance

As part of understanding why security truly is enhanced with the addition of security lights, a homeowner (or renter, for that matter) must understand that installation is only part of the process. The reality is that although exterior security lighting is sturdy and durable (as a general rule), it is not completely impervious to the elements (or to tampering).

According to 123 Electric Service, a person who installs home security lighting needs to “establish a regular schedule for inspecting the lights. For example, it is not out of bounds to check lights weekly. Any issues need to be rectified immediately.”

In addition to inspecting security lighting, a person also needs to ensure that proper maintenance is undertaken. For example, some home security experts suggest changing light bulbs on a date certain, even if they are still glowing at the moment. The thinking is that once a bulb reaches a certain point in its useful life, it is likely to burn out at any time. Better to replace the bulb while it still works than have the light burn out while in use, making a residence vulnerable.

A person need not waste the bulb. Rather, in many cases, it can be repurposed somewhere else at the property until its complete useful life is over.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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