Creating Custom Shirts With Graphic Art


Marketing in the modern business landscape is an art in itself. One of the oldest and best ways to market a company is to create a custom shirt with attractive graphic art. There is nothing better as a conversation starter for a social circle than a fun shirt that people can wear anywhere from the barbecue to the Little League game.

There are many reasons the custom shirts have continued to be a great source of marketing for companies regardless of industry. Here are few of the top reasons.

First, custom shirts can be modified very easily to scale.

No matter how large or small your audience, if you have your own graphic art, you can create a line of shirts that they will appreciate. You can also make sure that you have just enough for the people who need them without paying for extras. The right print shop will be able to work with you and scale your operations up when necessary.

Second, custom graphic art keeps your company ahead of competition.

Companies that are doing generic promotions will get generic responses. Because you have custom shirts with graphic art that you have produced yourself, you will always be known within the community. People will be able to identify your business from a mile away. You can also brand yourself by putting the same custom graphic art on your other marketing paraphernalia and at your storefront.

Third, custom graphic art is less expensive.

Although you may feel as though the upfront costs for creating graphic art is too high, there is an even greater cost for using emblems that are already established within society. First of all, the graphic art is not associated with your company is readily. Second of all, the licensing fees for these types of marketing campaigns are usually ongoing. This means that the licensor can raise his rates on you at any time.

– What makes a good custom graphic art design?

According to Articulate Creation, “Your graphic art should immediately bring to mind the service that your company provides. Take a look at types of mascots and symbols that are successful within your industry. Use this as a starting point to create your own graphic art.”

The best graphic art does not necessarily include the name of your company. As a matter of fact, the best graphic art is not even include words. Consider the Nike swoosh – it has been affiliated with many different slogans over the years. However, the swoosh itself is now so popular that it is immediately associated with the company without any words at all.

Make your symbolism “pregnant.” This means that people can read into it what they like. Continuing the example of the Nike swoosh, the symbol can easily be associated with motion or a checkmark, which is indicative of completing a task. No matter what language you put next to the symbol, you will always have a feeling of elation because of the associative power of the swoosh. Make sure that your graphic art has the same power before you invest in any T-shirts.

Lastly, make sure that your design is simple. Always go for simplicity over talented complexity. You want graphic art that people will remember as easily as a short catchphrase.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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