3 Truths about Asbestos Removal


If you live in a home that was constructed during the time period between the 30s and the 50s, you could have this material serving a purpose somewhere in your life. Whether you are considering removing this product yourself or asking for help, there is more that you should know. As a matter of fact, here are three things to consider in removing asbestos from your home.

1. Hire a Professional for an Expert Inspection

Asbestos is a mineral fiber that is found in the rocks and the soil. It slowly evolved into the lives of consumers when scientific evidence discovered some positive advantages for its use. This fiber added strength to various products, and it had positive advantages for use as a heat insulator. It is even fire resistant. You use it every day in:

  • Building Materials – It is found in roofing shingles, ceiling tiles and paper products.
  • Friction Products – Your vehicle may contain some of this material in brakes, transmission parts and in the clutch mechanisms.
  • Heat Resistant Fabrics – It serves a purpose in packaging, gaskets and coatings.

It doesn’t always have to be removed. Insulation materials or other home products that are not disturbed or punctured in any way may be safe. It’s when the fibers become abused or loose and airborne that they raise a concern. Call in a professional for an inspection.

2. Ask about a Safe Repair

A small tear or hole in attic insulation can often be repaired by a certified asbestos technician. It can involve sealing and covering the area. A proper sealant binds the fibers making them unable to circulate in the environment.

Before you proceed with maintenance, check with your local health and environmental laws for the proper handling and disposal of any particles that are removed.

3. Remove the Asbestos Product

This is a final alternative that requires certified experts. Improper handling and removal can raise many concerns in the health of anyone involved, such as:

  • Mesothelioma – This is a rare form of cancer that involves the lining of the lungs, heart, chest and abdomen.
  • Asbestosis – This health problem is a progressive disease of the lungs that is not cancerous.

According to AMPCO Contracting Inc., “Technicians that are engaged in the removal of asbestos will be trained to avoid spreading the dust into other areas of your home.” Discarded particles will be sealed in leak-proof, heavy duty plastic bags. Final cleanup assures a safe environment for you.

Now that you know more about asbestos, you can safely provide for the removable and disposal of any damaged products. You deserve a safe home.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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