6 Supplements that Increase Muscle Mass


The vast majority of people who love to exercise fall into two categories in terms of fitness goals: Weight loss and muscle mass building. Both weight loss and muscle building can be accomplished with the help of supplements.

Supplements are often consumed together by weight lifters to help maximize muscle mass gain. While not all muscle mass supplements work, the following six products have been tried and tested by countless exercise professionals and health enthusiasts:


Creatine has been widely used as a muscle building supplement for decades. Creatine extremely popular among all types of athletes and body builders because it helps increase agility performance and weight loss in addition to muscle mass.

Carbohydrate intake is essential for creatine to be 100 percent effective.

Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Also known as CLA, Conjugated Linoleic Acid contains omega fatty acids that help maintain muscle mass while increasing weight loss at the same time. In a well-known study by the University of Wisconsin, over 70 patients experienced weight loss of at least six pounds.

Those looking to improve muscle mass normally reduce the amount cardio exercise in their daily routine for fear of losing muscle. CLA intake will allow people to continue their cardio routine with their muscle building routines without losing drastic amounts of muscle.


Glutamine is an essential supplement for athletes and individuals who maintain a busy exercise schedule.

According to CrazyMass, acting as fuel for human cells, Glutamine will not only help boost muscle mass, but is also great for maintaining your immune system and prevent sickness after a strenuous physical event.

Glutamine can be consumed along with Creatine to achieve maximum muscle mass results.

Casein Protein Powder

While not as popular as other supplements, a healthy dose of Casein Protein Powder can definitely help build muscle mass. Many athletes intake Casein before bedtime to help adjust their metabolism when sleeping.

When compared to whey protein, Casein Protein Powder is just as effective for muscle protein synthesis after a workout has been completed.

Shakes Protein Bars

Protein bars are more common than any other muscle mass building supplement. Bars are perfect for on the go meals, regardless of the time of day or whether or not you plan to go to the gym.

Protein bars are popular among all fitness loving people. Unlike other supplements, they can act as meal replacements, and have proven to reduce hunger in various studies. Most protein bar brands are inexpensive and consuming them before or after a workout is acceptable.

Protein shakes are excellent meal supplement choices in the morning. The protein can easily be mixed with fruits or vegetables to make the shake tasty and provide an additional amount of nutrients. Weight lifters looking to gain mass should consume a protein shake either before or after their workout.

Nitric Oxide Boosters

While not as well-known as the other supplements on this list, Nitric Oxide Boosters can be used in conjunction with protein and Creatine to maximize results.

Nitric Oxide works by diluting blood vessels, allowing more blood to flow to the muscles. Once more blood flows to the muscles, water, oxygen and anabolic hormones are delivered quickly into the system to allow for maximum results.

Various university studies have shown that individuals who take Nitric Oxide experience and increase in muscle mass and a healthy amount of weight loss.

In retail form, supplements are combined together in packs and sold to fitness enthusiasts. Not all supplements will work for everyone, and you should consult a physician before starting a daily supplement regimen.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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