3 Reasons to Have Your Car Detailed This Winter


Winter can be hard on cars. The intense conditions are responsible for the bulk of rusting and corrosion, and in the U.S., fighting corrosion is a multibillion dollar issue. So, even though you probably think of lovingly washing your car as a pleasant summer activity, it’s far more important in the winter. There are a number of other issues that come with winter, so you really should consider the different ways to keep your car cleaned and maintain its health and longevity. For most people, this will require professional car washes instead of front lawn imagery that was in your head a moment ago. These are the top three reasons why you need to get your car detailed throughout every winter.

1. Salt

If you are fortunate enough to live in one of the few parts of the country that won’t see snow through the winter, good for you. Your car will still benefit from salt protection, and that’s because protecting cars from salt damage is as simple as getting a fresh coat of wax. Salt is extremely corrosive, especially to paint and rubber, so a good detailing before the start of winter will stave off most of the risk. In fact, the DMV even has a list of ways to mitigate the problem. It’s worth noting that a preemptive waxing is a good start, but if you live where winters are strong, then some upkeep is necessary. You can best manage that through a monthly detail. It will ensure that corrosive materials are regularly removed, and it’ll keep your protective coating strong throughout. Of course, waxing your car in the winter is a challenge all its own, which brings up the next point.

2. Winters Are Cold

Some people have heated garages with ample space and drainage to wash their own cars. For the rest of us mortals, a professional service is the only option in the peak winter months. Water freezes. It’s as simple as that. When water is applied to your car and doesn’t dry adequately, the freezing process can weaken or crack glass and lead to a number of other problems. Professional car washes can use treated water that won’t freeze, and they can ensure that the process is perfectly safe for your car and the environment, all in one fell swoop. That said, not all car washes are created equally, so a little preemptive research can go a long way.

3. Lighting

To begin with, the dark hours are much longer in the winter. That, of course, is only the beginning of the problem. Fog, whiteout snowstorms, snow drifts and a number of other visibility-reducing weather are prevalent in or unique to winter. According to Performance Detailing Inc., making sure your headlights are producing adequate lighting is more important during the cold months than any other time during the year. Just like preventing salt damage, maintaining your lighting requires upkeep. Driving through the snow also means driving through the mud, so don’t fall behind on maintenance and get your car cleaned regularly.

These are the biggest issues, but washing your car throughout the year is important. In general, regular car washes will help any vehicle retain its resale value for much longer, and, no matter how much you might love your baby, every car eventually gets the old trade-in. Since you are surely convinced to keep up with the details this winter, check out some of the options near you. In most cases, you should be able to find an environmentally friendly, professional option that will keep you warm and your car pristine. Stay warm and stay safe!


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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