How to Choose the Best Doctor For Your Child


It’s one of the most important decisions that you will make after the birth of your child: Choosing their doctor. You’re going to want a doctor that he or she will grow up with and it’s imperative that you pick the right one. That’s not to say that you will do it instantly – there will likely be a trial-and-error period. You just want to make that as brief as possible.

There are a lot of factors to consider and some of it just comes down to your gut feel. Some doctors might check off all the boxes on the list below, but you still might not feel comfortable. That’s perfectly fine. Your child’s needs come first and taking them to the safest place is the top priority. Ultimately, it’s a business – even though your child may bond with this doctor over the years – you want to get the most value for your money since these visits can hit your wallet.

So… take a deep breath and take a look:


This is a big one. You want to be able to take your child into the office when he or she is sick and having to drive long distances to the doctor’s office is counterproductive. Your child will be very cranky both to and from there and your eardrums will probably be ringing for a long time afterward. Find one that’s fairly close and if you can, find an after-hours clinic in the area. Places like PM Pediatrics are opening all over the place and can save possible trips to the emergency room.


Another huge one. Depending on your home/work situation, you’re going to want a doctor that can fit your needs. Some doctors even have weekend hours, which can really help the working parent. Other places even have early walk-in hours, typically around 7 am or so, which can also allow for a quick visit before having to go to work. If you find that you’re the one doing the rearranging of your schedule, then it might be a good idea to look elsewhere.


Obviously, you’d like to go to a doctor in your network. That’s a given, because tests can be very expensive otherwise. If you happen to live in an area where there are limited options, you still might be able to work something out with the doctor’s office. Some places offer sliding-scale payments. It’s worth researching.


You’d think this one is an easy decision. Not necessarily. Yes, kids can dirty things up quickly, but you’d like to go to a doctor’s office where the staff makes a big effort to keep a clean, sanitary place. If anything seems off there, go somewhere else. It’s also a good idea to have your own wipes.

Bedside Manner

“You want to find a doctor who will work with you and not brush aside any concerns you might have,” said Northwoods Pediatric Center. It’s true that any doctors must see more and more patients to make ends meet, especially since malpractice insurance can eat them alive. The doctor should also be engaging with your child. It can be scary for your young one to go on a visit and having a doctor who is brusque can create even more anxiety. If you don’t like a doctor’s behavior or tone, then switch.


Your child’s doctor spent many years in medical school and countless hours studying. That’s why they are wearing the white coat and you’re in the exam room with your child. That said, they shouldn’t beat you over the head with their knowledge. Can they think of another option for a treatment instead of reaching for a prescription pad? Will they have an actual dialogue with you and not a one-sided “I’m Right, You’re Wrong” conversation? Even if there’s only one course of action, they should be able to explain their reasoning to you. It should be a two-way street.

As mentioned before, you are the one that ultimately decides on the best care for your child. This list can help, but it all comes down to you. Good luck.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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