6 Things to Do Before Making a Purchase


Our consumer culture drives many of us to want to make a purchase without even giving it much of a second thought. We are often driven to do the things we do because we are influenced by the marketing campaigns that so many companies out there peddle to us. It is actually quite difficult to ignore these campaigns and try to go our own way. Instead, we have to try to do what we can to make some critical decisions before we ever lay money down on yet another purchase.

1. Think About All Of The Great Things You Already Have

This piece of advice might sound a bit motherly, but it is true that we could all benefit from trying to appreciate a little of what we already have. Most of us have wealth that is well beyond what we realize we have. Do we really need the latest phone or video game system when we already have one that works perfectly fine? The answer to this of course is probably not.

2. Make A Pros And Cons List

What are the real advantages and disadvantages of the purchase that you are about to make? This is a legitimate consideration that everyone should put some thought into before they just go around throwing money everywhere. It is important that you try to figure out just how much value there is in the thing that you are considering buying.

A lot of people get so caught up in the desire for whatever it is that has caught their eye at this particular moment that they forget to stop and think about just how many nice things they already have. When you look at it that way, it becomes a lot more obvious what the right and wrong choices really are.

3. Think About Borrowing The Item

Is it possible that you could borrow the thing that you are about to purchase? Maybe a friend or family member has the exact same thing or at least something that is similar to what you are looking for. If that is the case, then why are you laying down all of this money to get a new one? What you already have available to you is probably plenty fine. Just ask to borrow it.

4. Consider Price Points

The thing that you are considering buying may not be at the very best available price at the first store that you go looking for it. The reality is that many stores carry the same products but price them in very different ways. Always look around for a bargain including online.

5. Establish A “Cooling Off” Period

Sometimes the easiest way to keep yourself from purchasing products that you do not truly need is to create a sort of cooling off period for yourself. This is a time that you set aside what you were thinking of doing in order to just relax a bit and maybe reconsider your options. It may actually be the case that once you have allowed some time to pass that you do not really need the thing that you were so eager to buy just a short time ago.

A lot of people set a literal time limit for themselves before they would even allow themselves to consider diving back in to purchasing the item that they were considering in the first place. At least twenty-four hours is usually the rule. Some also make themselves go for a walk to think about their decision and determine if it is really right for them and their circumstances.

6. Imagine What Life Would Be Like Without It

One of the strongest pulls of advertising is the ability to convince us that we absolutely must have the item that we are thinking so heavily about or else we are not possibly going to be able to continue with our lives. That of course is just not the truth. We have to battle against this by realizing that in fact we will be able to continue on as we have for so long without the help of whatever product we are being pitched on at this particular moment in time.


About Author

Kelly is DailyU’s lead blogger. She writes on a variety of topics and does not limit her creativity. Her passion in life is to write informative articles to help people in various life stages.

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