How to Stay Fit This Fall

Soon the colder weather, darker days, and fall comfort food will be upon you. It can be challenging to stick to a regular workout plan once the colder season hits. You worked hard all summer to keep in shape, so do not let your six pack abs turn into a keg. Use the change of season to your advantage to maintain a healthy and fit body.

Get Outdoors

The fall season is a perfect time to enjoy exercising outdoors. Think outside the box, and try some different activities. Picking apples is a great way to utilize many muscles and have fun doing some physical activity. Nothing is more beautiful than a nature walk on a cool and crisp autumn morning. Take advantage of parks and enjoy the beautiful new scenery.

Switch up your Meals

A monotonous diet is a quick way to derail your success. During the fall months, take advantage of seasonal foods like pumpkin, apples, Brussels sprouts, cranberries, and sweet potatoes. These foods are very healthy and full of antioxidants to support robust immune systems. Remember the adage “variety is the spice of life.”

Take care of Your Immune System

The colder season is also the begging of the cold and flu season. You should take the time to detoxify your body before the season is in full swing. One idea is sticking to raw and unprocessed foods for a few days. You can also try juicing as a great supplement to your diet. Carrot, apple, and ginger is a perfect fall juice combination. You can also incorporate super foods like chia with fresh berries or nuts for a complete breakfast.

Stay Hydrated

The cooler weather can make you feel less thirsty. Limiting your water intake can hinder the effectiveness of your workouts and limit fat-burning potential. Water also helps with appetite control. Keep a thermos or large water bottle handy to create good water drinking habits. You can throw in some lemons or cucumbers to change up the taste.

Switch to Tea

Tea is a great hot drink option during the fall season. Teas often contain great antioxidants to fend off colds and sicknesses. The caffeine in tea also works as an excellent fat burner to shed some extra pounds.

Join a Sport League

Kickball, flag football, soccer, and dodge ball are some great fall sports activities. You can improve your fitness and meet some new friends in the process. The leagues are relatively inexpensive to join with flexible times. The meetups usually go meet out a bar after each game, so go easy on the booze.

Go to the Beach

Beaches aren’t crowded at all during the fall season. You can get a great workout without being surrounded by tons of people. Jogging, kayaking, paddle boarding, and surfing are just some of the excellent calorie shedding activities. Wear some extra layers of clothing because you’ll have the cold breeze blowing on you.

Exercise while watching TV

Make use of the extra television that you will watch during the colder months. You can do lots of exercises during your favorite shows without compromising your attention. Commercial breaks are an excellent opportunity for some push ups and lunges. Over an hour, you will be surprised how many reps you completed. You can save a lot of money without investing in a costly gym membership.

Adjust to the Dark

Don’t let the sun going down earlier become an excuse not to exercise. Carry a flashlight with you when you exercise outdoors. Going for a run in the colder temperature will be rejuvenating on your senses.

Fall fitness is not more complicated than any other season of the year. Stay positive with the changes, and choose useful exercises that you can commit to. Create realistic fitness goals and remain consistent in executing your plan. Get the support of family and friends to join your workout efforts.


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